Monday, February 22, 2016

How to Use the Foce Continuum

In an instant a situation can escalate from an ordinary traffic stop to a death sentence. For this reason the use of force matrix was created. The use of force matrix is set policy by the department that categorizes the levels of force that an officer can use according to the threat level a suspect portrays.

When responding to a scene the first level of force is the Officers mere presence in most situations this acts as a deterrent for most criminal activities. Level 2 of the use force is verbal commands, for this level the Officer will use clear and deliberate commands to gain compliance. Level three or Soft techniques is the next level, during this level an Officer has the right to deploy non-lethal weapons if all other methods have failed prior to level three. Level four contains all the hard techniques, in this level the Officer is authorized to use strikes and take downs to defend themselves from a suspect. The fifth and final level in the use of force matrix is lethal force, this level is a final resort for an Officer only to be used to protect themselves and others from deadly force. When using the use of force matrix it is always important to stay in accordance with the suspect’s reactions and actions. When the situation escalates your level of force escalates, and as the situation deescalates your level of force deescalates.    

Monday, February 15, 2016

How to Detain a Suspect

When detaining a suspect there are several procedures that need to be followed to make a legal  detention. This is an example of general procedures due to the fact that it may vary by department for what procedures Officers must follow. First to place someone in detention the Officer must have reasonable suspicion or feel threatened for his/her safety.
Once the Officer has a reason to detain a suspect, the Officer will command the suspect to turn away from the sound of his/her voice.Next the Officer will command the suspect to place their hands on their head and to separate their feet. The Officer will then approach the suspect on a 45 degree angle to which ever side the Officer feels comfortable. Once the Officer is positioned they will then place a restraint on one hand at a time behind the suspects back. When placing the restraints on a suspect make sure that the handcuffs are positioned with the key holes facing down and the double lock facing the Officer to allow for easy access (See diagram for reference). After placing the restraints on the suspect the Officer must double lock the restraints to ensure that the handcuffs do not tighten unintentionally. From this point the Officer can search or transport the suspect safely.