Monday, May 9, 2016

How to Conduct a Traffic Stop

A traffic stop is a common task that an officer does throughout their careers. To conduct a traffic stop safety is on of the most important parts for both the officer and the civilian. 
When pulling someone over the first thing that an officer must do is run the license plate. This will give the officer a general idea of the person that they they are pulling over by giving information of any prior convictions, warrants, and if the vehicle is stolen. Next the officer has to choose the location of where to pull the vehicle off the side of the road. It is preferred to allow enough space between the road and and your self that way it does not interrupt the flow of traffic. Then call dispatch and tell them the location where you are and how many people are in the vehicle. Once the officer has cleared with dispatch they can continue with their traffic stop and issue any tickets or citations.

Friday, May 6, 2016

How to Prepare for a Work Shift

Before entering the work day an officer must ensure that all gear and equipment are functional. To do this an officer must check equipment systematically.
The gear on an officer’s belt is what the officer relies on to give them the tactical advantage to apprehend someone. An officer should test their handcuffs by spinning the cuffs and ensure that they lock and double and unlock properly. They should also check their Taser to ensure that it has a charge. Complete a proper functions check of their weapon with out ammunition ensuring that the safety works while engaged, fires when off safe. Checking that all the car’s functioning buttons work that operate the light and sirens and computer. Once all the gear is checked an officer will be able to begin their work shift without with out the worry of their equipment not functioning or jamming on them when they need the equipment most.

How to Stay Fit for the Job

To be an efficient Police Officer physical fitness is a priority. Maintaining your fitness level to meet the requirements of the department takes time and dedication. A key component of
overall fitness is diet. Diet makes up about 80 percent of becoming fit and maintaining fitness. Several foods to consider for a healthy lifestyle that will increase health and fitness for officers is lean chicken, premium steak cut, brown rice, and green vegetables. Consistency with a proper diet will increase the likelihood of staying fit for the career. The other component will be physical exercise. Since the job of a Police Officer is strongly geared toward patrolling, cardio would be one of the best exercise to maintain your fitness levels high. To increase your cardio vascular system run long distances and time your self, high intensity short distances runs will increase speed. Push ups and sit ups are good exercises that will work on your chest and triceps, the sit ups will work on your abdominals. The physical fitness tests that most departments test are push ups, sit ups, and a distance run.